How Do Leaders Lead Each Other?
Thriving in the marketplace today requires a diverse group of experts from across the organization to create and execute in harmony.
Problem is, if a bunch of leaders attempt to work together, often you get the problem of too many chefs in the kitchen problem. The emerging question of leadership today is then, how do we as group of leaders lead each other.
The emerging question of leadership today is then, how do we as a group of leaders, lead each other?
Shared collaborative leadership has been a step in the right direction, however its no longer adequate for today’s challenges. To be competitive in the marketplace leaders must quickly leverage the diverse beliefs and perspectives of other leaders.
To innovate quickly as a diverse group, its not enough to just share leadership. We must lead and follow concurrently.
What does this look like?
The most basic form of leading and following simultaneously happens when leaders in a group show up in the same moment with conviction and curiosity, holding a fierce position and still remaining open to oppositional points of view. Leading mode and following mode at the same.
Concurrent Leadership and the new organizational context
Our organizational priorities are changing. Its no longer about command and control. Rather, most of our clients are seeking innovation through full employee engagement.
How does concurrent leadership fit in to this?
If we all attempt to lead all the time we get a power struggle, perpetual chaos, work never gets done.
If we all take the following role, we get no initiation, no new ideas, no forward movement.
If there is one leader, and a bunch of followers we achieve control and predictability, but also just average results.
If we all lead and following simultaneously, we can leverage the depth of experience, expertise, and oppositional points of view required to truly innovate and execute. By surfacing what we really think while cultivating humility and curiosity we can create the conditions necessary for group flow.
Coupling this with a robust decision making model give you a strong program for creating and executing. Thats what it means to lead leaders.